Over 20 years of industry experience as a business solution partner has resulted in a multifaceted and highly talented workforce, adept at tackling any client needs whilst delivering target-based results.
John Hayes.
John Hayes
Matthew Hayes.
Matthew Hayes
Managing Director
Chris Darlington.
Chris Darlington
Commercial Director
David Simms.
David Simms
Non Executive Director
Tim Munton.
Tim Munton
Director of Sport
Piers Linney.
Piers Linney
AI & Technology Lead
Emma Tolhurst.
Emma Tolhurst
Strategic Head of People
Jamie McAnsh
Head of Inclusion
Caspar Craven.
Caspar Craven
Change Mindset Lead
Derek Redmond.
Derek Redmond
Head of Training & Development
Jeremy Schwartz.
Jeremy Schwartz
Head of Sustainability
Jack Hayes.
Jack Hayes
MD - Talent
Sophia Hayes.
Sophia Hayes
Sales Director
Roxanna Hayes.
Roxanna Hayes
Operations Director
Louisa Hayes.
Louisa Mason-Hayes
CSR, Golf & Events Director
Chris Greenwell
Head of Legal
Lisa Brakewell.
Lisa Brakewell
Head of Projects & Growth
Victoria Foster.
Victoria Foster
Head Of Performance & Operations
Dan Gough.
Dan Gough
Head of Brand Strategy
Amelia Hayes
Senior Manager
Ewen Lewis.
Ewen Lewis
Head of Creative
Scott Skerritt.
Scott Skerritt
Head of Digital
Lauren Thomas.
Lauren Thomas
Content Manager
StJohn Krog - Development & Ecommerce Consultant.
StJohn Krog
Head of Development
Nick Owens
Head of PR
Lucy Capaldo.
Lucy Capaldo
Head of Communications
Chris Stephenson.
Chris Stephenson
Marketing Manager
Geoff Sanders.
Geoff Sanders
Creative Studio Manager
Ellie Batten
Customer Success Manager
Claire Murphy.
Claire Murphy
Office Manager
Jordan Marsh.
Jordan Marsh
Strategy Manager
Emma Mills.
Emma Mills
Senior Strategy Executive
Shivani Sharma.
Shivani Sharma
Executive Co-ordinator to the MD
Sam Jones.
Sam Jones
Creative Media Executive
Silvia La Paglia
Senior Content Executive
Lily Bell.
Lily Bell
Social Media Executive
Chrystal Jones.
Chrystal Jones
Content Executive
Angus Twidale.
Angus Twidale
PR Executive
Jared Miller.
Jared Miller
Communications Executive
Siddharth Patil
Account Manager
Tyler Royle.
Tyler Royle
Graphic Designer
Kiran Patel.
Kiran Patel
SEO Executive
Aléna Anthony.
Aléna Anthony
SEO Executive
Haseeb Jawaid.
Haseeb Jawaid
Digital Marketing Executive
Taylor Morley
Digital Marketing Executive
Mark Matthews.
Mark Matthews
Senior Keynote Speaker Manager
Chris Tompkins.
Chris Tompkins
Senior Keynote Executive
alan Warner.
Alan Warner
M&E Business Manager
Sharon Sparano.
Sharon Sparano
Accounts Manager
Shourya Goswami.
Shourya Goswami
Financial Controller
Lisa Green.
Lisa Green
Purchase Ledger
Laura Hayes.
Laura Hayes
Keynote Executive
Megan Lupton.
Megan Lupton
Senior Content Executive
Lauren Perkins.
Lauren Perkins
Head of Speaker Projects
Joe Burton.
Joe Burton
Music & Entertainment Executive
Katie Dudgeon.
Katie Dudgeon
Music & Entertainment Executive
Fred Howard - Champions.
Fred Howard
Music & Entertainment Executive
Sue Randle.
Sue Randle
Credit Controller
Hannah Burton.
Hannah Burton
Celebrity and Brand Executive
Liam Bailey.
Liam Bailey
Keynote Executive
Monica Sangha.
Monica Sangha
Senior Events Executive
Tejavasi Naik.
Tejasvi Naik
Assistant Accountant
Lottie Marsh.
Lottie Marsh
Keynote Speaker Executive
Jordan Holmes.
Jordan Holmes
Events Executive
Lara Gee
Keynote Speaker Executive
Edwina Turner.
Edwina Turner
Celebrity Administration Executive
Charlie Carey
Celebrity Partnership Executive
Emily Tee
Celebrity Digital & SEO Intern
Teak Switzer.
Teak Switzer
Celebrity Administration Executive
Teresa Blankley.
Teresa Blankley
Accounts Assistant
Kartik Mahesh.
Kartik Mahesh
Accounts Apprentice
Nicola Taylor.
Nicola Taylor
Celebrity Administrative Executive
Lauren Harrison.
Lauren Harrison
Accounts Administrator
Lottie Jones.
Lottie Jones
Celebrity & Keynote Administrator
Rushali Natarajan.
Rushali Natarajan
Copywriting Executive
Luke Groves.
Luke Groves
Digital Marketing & SEO Intern
Head of Security

We Create Big Ideas With Even Bigger Results

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