Satisfaction Reviews

Finding it difficult to maintain an awareness of workforce engagement? Satisfaction reviews will gather crucial information regarding employee morale.

Eliminate Employee Frustration

Champions (UK) plc's staff satisfaction reviews are designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of employee engagement.

We utilise tailored surveys and assessment tools to gauge various aspects of staff satisfaction, ranging from work environment and leadership effectiveness to compensation and career development opportunities. 

Champions’ people team go beyond just data collection. We provide vital insights to help inform decision-making, and implement strategies for enhancing workforce morale and internal dynamics. 

The Role of Satisfaction Reviews

Satisfaction reviews are paramount for gauging and understanding the overall wellbeing and contentment of individuals within the workplace.

This analysis enables businesses to identify areas of improvement, work towards positive relationships, and tailor strategies that contribute to organisational growth and development. 


Our Staff Evaluation Services

Remain Acquainted with Workforce Engagement

Maintain an awareness of employee contentment rates through Champions staff evaluation services, in which we will conduct a thorough Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) to determine how likely your staff are to recommend you to external sources.  

Why Champions?

We craft tailored surveys that delve into specific aspects of employee sentiment, providing a nuanced understanding of current internal dynamics.

This comprehensive analysis enables businesses to make informed decisions, address potential issues, and implement targeted strategies for enhancing overall staff satisfaction and engagement. Champions’ industry-leading ability in this area has been curated from 20+ years of optimising clients' workforces, and we draw upon knowhow from a plethora of international business experts.

Meet Some Of Our People Team

Matthew Hayes.
Matthew Hayes
Managing Director
Emma Tolhurst.
Emma Tolhurst
Strategic Head of People
Derek Redmond.
Derek Redmond
Head of Training & Development
Caspar Craven.
Caspar Craven
Change Mindset Lead
Jeremy Schwartz.
Jeremy Schwartz
Head of Sustainability
View All Team Profiles