drxDATA Brand Value Proposition

drxDATA Brand Value Proposition.

August 1st, 2022


drxData, a go-to provider for leadership intelligence products and services, approached Champions to discover how it could thrive as a standalone brand and how it could excel in its offering of products and services directly to private equity firms and beyond.

It was also important for drxDATA to know how to become a leader in this space following its independent launch, drawing on seven years of knowledge and experience in understanding the value a leadership team can bring to a business.


To achieve this, the Brand Strategy team at Champions conducted a Brand Value Proposition to clearly outline how drxDATA can grow moving forwards.

This included reviewing existing collateral such as marketing approaches, messaging, and mission statements, USPs and key business objectives and how these are currently utilised by the business.

From here, Champions then provided tangible suggestions as to how drxDATA could improve in these areas, considering how these improvements could be implemented over a three-year plan.


Overall, drxDATA is now in a prime position to establish its market dominance for leadership intelligence products within the private equity sector, allowing the business to be confident in achieving its vision over the next three years and beyond.

Additionally, with information on how to leverage various channels of communication such as thought leadership, educational content and success stories, drxDATA now has the ability to excel in a market where its competition cannot compete with its level of knowledge and experience in the private equity sector.

drxDATA Brand Value Proposition Leaflet.

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