To analyse a complex national independent, integrated insurance, risk management and financial advisory firm in order to make strategy recommendations around brand and communications. To advise on ways in which five discrete, niche offerings could be given greater consistency of message under an umbrella brand.
We held extensive discussions with individuals at all levels of the business to understand operational dynamics and different insights into its current communications. We examined all physical and digital manifestations of the brand to discover it lacked not only definition but depth and consistency. And we looked at the niche markets in which Gen2 operates to identify the different drivers in each case and allow us to formulate uniform and effective group and sub-brand messaging sets.
Our brand strategy delivered a far-reaching analysis of Gen2’s existing brand status quo, identifying its key strengths and weaknesses in the digital and physical spheres. That analysis was accompanied by a series of big picture recommendations on how to give the umbrella brand and its constituent sub-brands greater coherence and presence. Having also identified the optimum channels through which to direct communications and having set out a blueprint for the development of Gen2’s digital footprint, we are now working with the firm to deliver the strategy.