To conduct a comprehensive brand and communications audit of a leading supply chain partner to the global aerospace market. To deliver wide-ranging recommendations around the strategic direction of its brand communications.
Our brand strategy team took part in a series of lengthy discussions with C-suite, senior and middle management individuals from functions, such as sales, commercial, marketing, innovation, HR and the US and Asian divisions, to gain a full spectrum of insights into the business, its needs and goals. We interrogated all aspects of the company’s communications, brand infrastructure, messaging and events activity and undertook a deep analysis of the global market and competition.
At a time of significant structural change for Pattonair, we identified that brand and communications had not been altered to fully leverage a shift in its business model in the previous years. We set out a repositioning strategy that would allow the firm to sell its unique offering more effectively and that offered flexibility in the context of far-reaching M&A activity. Pattonair has since followed the bulk of our recommendations and we are in the process of not only repositioning the company but delivering a full suite of materials that more accurately communicate core USPs.
“Pattonair entered into the brand audit process after a sustained period of change to the business, so it was really beneficial to get a nuanced outside view of where we are and where we might go. Champions’ work was complicated midway through by the announcement of a significant merger between our business and what was a large competitor in the US market but its team adapted its thinking in real time to deliver a report of substance and value that has stimulated healthy conversation at the highest levels of the business. We look forward to working with Champions to turn many of their recommendations into reality and, in the process, transform not only the Pattonair marketing operation but the way we communicate with the world, with the market and with the communities in which we work.”
Jason Rance, Group Innovation Director, Pattonair