June 14th, 2022

Smarter Business.


To analyse all aspects of the energy and utilities broker’s digital activity to identify its relative strengths and weaknesses. To draw on that analysis to recommend a range of solutions aimed at enhancing online brand awareness, improving search engine rankings, increasing qualified site traffic and boosting conversion rates.


Our team of digital specialists ran the rule over the company’s website making a number of qualitative observations about the design and user experience and using different software and tools to identify errors holding back its domain authority, load speeds, user experience and search visibility. We also looked at Smarter Business’ digital marketing efforts and social media activity as part of a comprehensive report compiled to detail our findings. That document included a number of high level strategic recommendations to improve website usability, digital marketing and search prominence, plus a series of technical fix suggestions to assist with matters, such as bounce rates, responsiveness and page loading.


Our recommendations gave the client a clear picture of their entire web presence and the impetus to conduct a comprehensive website overhaul, complete with a brand new design, refreshed content and a simpler structure. While that work continues, in the interim we are also assisting Smarter Business with content marketing and outreach initiatives, technical on-page fixes and search optimisation, and look forward to helping migrate content to the refreshed site.

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