Equality in Education: What Are The Steps Being Taken?

Jared Miller.

Jared Miller Senior Communications Executive

August 6th, 2024

Across all education age groups and levels, it’s imperative that all students receive the same standard of learning. 

Education equity also required that the standards of learning are adjusted for individual students based on their unique situations, covering everything from background and abilities to neurodiversity. 

In this blog, we look into the steps being taken to ensure that equality in education is always being prioritised, and how this can apply to your business’ processes too. 


1. Policy and Legislation 

Governments and educational institutions are enforcing anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, disability, and socioeconomic status. 

Environments that implement these policies that mandate inclusive practices will ensure students and colleagues with disabilities and varying neurodiversity have access to free and appropriate public education. 

2. Curriculum and Pedagogy 

Employ culturally responsive teaching methods by developing and implementing curricula that reflect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all participants. This includes training teachers and colleagues to be culturally responsive and sensitive to the needs of the people around them. 

Ensuring that educational materials and curricula are inclusive of different perspectives and histories will also promote a more comprehensive understanding of various cultures and experiences. 

3. Teacher Training and Professional Development 

Diversity training is an ideal strategy for tailoring professional development programmes that focus on EDI, helping educators understand and address the needs of diverse student and colleague populations. 

You should also prioritise the recruitment of diverse educators to reflect your team’s population more accurately. 

4. Access to Advanced Coursework 

By guaranteeing that your team, from all backgrounds and abilities, have access to advanced coursework such as Advanced Placement (AP) classes and gifted programmes, you will provide the necessary support and preparation. 

Eliminate barriers such as biased testing practices or prerequisites that disproportionately affect underrepresented groups. 

5. Support Services 

Employing quality tutoring, mentoring, and other academic support services will help all students and team members feel supported and succeed. 

Ensuring access to mental health services and counselling will provide a sustainable outlet by which to address social and emotional challenges that can affect academic and workplace performance. 

6. Technology and Digital Access 

Bridge the digital divide. Provide access to suitable technology and artificial intelligence for team members who may not have these resources at home. This includes distributing laptops and other devices and ensuring reliable internet access. 

Teach digital literacy skills to ensure everyone can effectively use the technology provided to deliver results efficiently and learn across multiple platforms. 

Our Champions team, alongside AI & Tech lead Piers Linney, can help you understand and integrate tech systems which optimise your workforce and therefore overall value. 

You can find out more about these services here: https://championsukplc.com/ai-technology/systems-and-platforms/integrations  

7. Monitoring and Accountability 

Comprehensively collect and analyse data on team and individual performance and outcomes to identify disparities and areas for improvement. 

Implement accountability systems to ensure team leaders and decision makers are meeting equity goals and making tangible progress towards closing achievement gaps. 


By focusing on these key areas, you will guarantee that your organisation is implementing modern and effective processes which prioritise equality in education.