Equity & Advocacy Planning: How To Give Your Employees The Opportunity To Champion Equity


Jamie McAnsh Head of Inclusion

August 15th, 2024

Equity and advocacy planning is an approach all modern business owners should be implementing to ensure their internal environment is fair, just and inclusive for all communities. 

The process aims to support underrepresented groups, and ensure equitable opportunities for all stakeholders. 

At Champions (UK) plc, we place a large emphasis on helping our partners achieve true equity within their organisations – as Head of Inclusion, it’s one of my main passions and goals. 

In this blog we’ll explore both sides of the planning process, and some methods which you can implement to guarantee this is at the forefront of your thinking. 

Equity Planning 

Equity planning aims to ensure that your internal benefits and support systems are distributed fairly across all segments of your organisation, particularly those within societal groups which have been historically marginalised or disadvantaged in the workplace.  

Key principles include: 

1. Inclusivity: Ensuring that all team members, especially underrepresented groups, have a voice in projects, tasks, and all other internal processes. 

2. Fair Distribution of Resources: Allocating resources and services in a way that addresses disparities and meets the needs of all team members. 

3. Access and Opportunity: Enhancing access to all necessary services and resources for every employee where necessary. 

4. Tackling Inequity: Addressing systemic inequities and promoting policies that support intrinsic happiness and productivity. 

Advocacy Planning 

Advocacy planning involves actively promoting and supporting policies, projects, and initiatives that benefit marginalised communities within your organisation. Planners act as advocates for team members, ensuring their needs and concerns are addressed thoroughly in decision making processes.  

Key activities include: 

1. Community Engagement: Facilitating meaningful participation from diverse team members in planning and execution processes, often through meetings and workshops to allow for a variety of viewpoints. 

2. Policy Advocacy: Lobbying for and supporting policies that promote equity, such as anti-discrimination measures. 

3. Partnership Building: Collaborating with community organisations, non-profits, and advocacy groups to support and amplify the voices within your company. 

4. Capacity Building: Providing education and resources which empower members to participate effectively in planning and advocacy efforts. 

Examples of Equity & Advocacy Planning 

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Programmes 

Implement recruitment strategies that actively seek to hire from diverse backgrounds. This can include outreach programmes, partnerships with minority focused organisations, and blind recruitment processes. 

Establish clear, fair, and transparent criteria for promotions to ensure all employees have equal opportunities for advancement and personal improvement. These programmes will nurture an inclusive environment and allow for a flourish of ideas from differing perspectives. 

Equitable Customer Service 

Designing your products and services to cater to a diverse customer base will guarantee accessibility and usability for all, which in turn will also widen your target audience. 

Establish channels for receiving and acting on feedback from a diverse range of customers to improve service delivery and product offerings. This is important for equity and advocacy planning because it ensures all community members receive a respectful and accessible service, thereby addressing disparities and promoting inclusivity within your community. 

Supplier Diversity Programmes 

Commit to sourcing a percentage of goods and services from businesses owned by minorities and other underrepresented groups. Provide mentorship, training, and resources to help diverse suppliers grow and compete effectively. 

These promote economic inclusion and opportunities for underrepresented businesses, thereby supporting broader community development and reducing economic disparities. 

Advocacy and Public Policy Engagement 

Advocate for policies and regulations that promote equity and justice in both the local and broader community, such as anti-discrimination protections. 

Make public commitments to equity and advocacy goals, such as pledging to achieve certain diversity metrics or supporting national equity campaigns. These engagements show both your workforce and your customer base that you are dedicated to achieving better industry equity. 

At Champions, we are dedicated to helping our partners enhance their intrinsic equity and advocacy planning strategies. If you would like to find out more about how we can optimise your internal EDI, visit our dedicated website page today.