In the modern world of business, there is a constant cycle of news circling around a multitude of industries and their respective leaders. Our specialised communications and PR team believe it is incredibly important for our clients to remain in the loop.
Keeping up to date with the latest media cycles will help you stay ahead of the ever-changing business landscape , while helping you stay well-informed across your industry and competitors’ activities.

Sales Growth
Embossing is an attractive and essential technique. When done properly it can take designs from good to great! It can enhance the look and feel of any surface, whether it paper, cloth or metal. It gives a piece added value and stands out from the rest.
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AI & Technology
Testing Payment Gateways - Everything You Need to Know
Payment Gateways have become the lifeblood of modern e-commerce serving as the ferry between product or service and payment. Famous examples such as Paypal have made users’ access to Amazon, EBay, and other e-commerce portals efficient and safe. Simply put, these programmes serve as transporters and guardians of data. From clicking the order button to payment confirmation, payment gateways are an integral step.
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Sales Growth
Printing processes, paper stock and special finishes all contribute to the look and feel of printed literature. Often overlooked because of the additional production cost, special finishes are a great way to wow your client with a distinctive look and feel. Here at Champions Creative, we have shared a few of our favourites that can all be applied to print materials, including business cards, brochures, leaflets and invitations.
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Sales Growth
Metadata - The Difference Between Title Tags, Descriptions & Alt Tags
A solid understanding of SEO metadata can make or break the click-through-rate your web pages receive. Get it right, and you may well see a higher level of engagement from your target audience. Get it wrong, and your content may struggle to remain relevant, failing to achieve its full potential. Although the various elements of metadata may seem complex to start with, this article aims to describe the differences between them. In addition, it will aim to help you use this new-found knowledge of metadata to your advantage.
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